What Primary Care Physicians and Clinicians in Ontario Need to Know
Date: June 13, 2020
Time: 7pm EST
Lack of awareness of monkeypox among health care providers in Ontario and the fact that the circulating strain is presenting in atypical ways may be contributing to under-detection.
Join Dr. Darrell Tan who will present what clinicians need to know about monkeypox including how to recognize it and how to manage it. Dr. Tan will be joined by either Fiona Kouyoumdjian or Daniel Warshafsky, Chief Medical Officer of Health, Ontario Ministry of Health who will talk about best practices in identifying contacts and stopping onward transmission. This session is intended for primary care providers and you are encouraged to ask questions.
Dr. Darrell Tan, Infectious Disease Physician, St. Michael’s Hospital
Fiona Kouyoumdjian or Daniel Warshafsky,Chief Medical Officer of Health, Ontario Ministry of Health
Moderator: Diana Campbell, Senior Lead, Education and Capacity Building, OHTN
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